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  • Post Category Advanced

    Post Category Advanced

    Create relationships between post categories and tags, and more.

    == Download (free) ==

    You can get the plugin by searching within the WordPress plugins directory
    or downloading it manually from the WordPress official page here:

    == Description ==

    – Create relationships between post categories and tags. Example of a rule you can create: assign tags to a category, then when you create a post, if you select that category the tags will be automatically assigned to the post.

    – Option to apply the rules you create to all existent posts.

    – Option to automatically select parent category when selecting a sub-category in a post.

    == Installation ==

    1. Install `post-category-advanced.zip` or upload the `post-category-advanced` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
    2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    3. Set it up via the WordPress dashboard menu “Post Category Advanced” with a “PCA” icon

    == Frequently Asked Questions ==

    = Does the plugin work even if is not tested with the current WordPress version? =
    Most likely, yes.

    = Does the plugin have an option to delete all its database data upon uninstall? =

    = Am I going to lose all tags assigned to posts upon uninstall? =

    == Screenshots ==
